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Cisco | Copy Image OS Software

COPY IOS software
1. Dir USB

2.copy bootflash:/

3. install

4. verifikasi (show version)

5.Copy file License

6. Install license

7. Verifikasi [ show license or show license usage]

swit# copy usbflash0: flash:
Lalu, ketik nama file extension bin, missalnya filenya:cat9k_little_iosexe.

cek file exntesion bin di swith, missal nama filenya: cat9k_little_iosexe.
swit# sh flash:

swith# verify /md5 cat9k_little_iosexe.

Download dari link ini MD5Free: https://www.winmd5.com/download/winmd5free.zip

Lalu masukin nama file IOS software ke Sellect file compute MD5, lalu cocokin kode yg keluar dari switch ketika jalan perintah verify /md5 [ios sofware].

switch# install add file flash:cat9k_little_iosexe. activate commit

jika ada pilihan pilih (N)
dir flash:/

conf t
boot system flash:packages.conf
no boot manual
write mem

show boot
switch# install remove inactive

swit# copy usbflash0: flash:
Lalu, ketik nama file extension bin, missalnya filenya:cat9k_little_iosexe.

cek file exntesion bin di swith, missal nama filenya: cat9k_little_iosexe.
swit# sh flash:

swith# verify /md5 cat9k_little_iosexe.

lalu lakuk verifikasi di MD5, caranya ad youtube ini

conf t
boot system flash:packages.conf
no boot manual
write mem

show boot

lalu lakukan activated
switch# install add file flash:cat9k_little_iosexe. activate commit

Cara Copy IOS software dari Swith to USB:
swith#copy flash:cat9k_little_iosexe. usb

Jika copy image OS dari Latop, pake aplikasi tftp ke switch c9200

1. Buat dl IP di int vlan, tag vlan-ID nya ke port yg dicolok ke latop, dan set IP laptop (pastikan piung reply).
2.Lakukan perintah ini untuk copy ios image dari laptop ke switch:

copy tftp:// flash:

3. Lalu verifikasi di switch OS image ini, pake software MD5free
verify /md5 cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.14.01.SPA.bin

4.Switch# install remove inactive
Do you want to remove the above files? [y/n]y
5. Switch#conf t
6. Switch#boot system flash:packages.conf
7. Switch#no boot manual
8. Switch#exit
9. Switch#write memory
10. Switch#show boot


11. Lakukan perintah ini di swith:
install add file flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.14.01.SPA.bin activate commit

Jika muncul pertnyaan ini, jawab (y)
This operation may require a reload of the system. Do you want to proceed? [y/n]y

5. reload dn verifikasi :
show boot system


boot dari flashdisk:

swith:dir usbflash0:
swith: boot usbflash0:cat9k_little_iosexe.

switch# show boot

copy usbflash0:cat9k_little_iosexe. flash:
boot system flash:cat9k_little_iosexe.
copy running-config startup-config

switch: set
Switch#show boot
BOOT path-list: flash:c2950-i6q4l2-mz.121-13.EA1.bin
Config file: flash:config.text
Enable Break: no
Manual Boot: yes
HELPER path-list:
NVRAM/Config file
buffer size: 32768

switch: set MANUAL_BOOT no
switch: set BOOT=flash:
switch: boot flash:
Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#no boot system
Switch(config)#boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin <--- 
Switch#show run | include boot system
boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin
Switch#show boot BOOT variable = bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin; <--- Configuration Register is 0x102 MANUAL_BOOT variable = no BAUD variable = 9600 ENABLE_BREAK variable does not exist BOOTMODE variable does not exist IPXE_TIMEOUT variable does not exist CONFIG_FILE variable =

show install summary
dir | include .pkg
more packages.conf

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